Thursday, March 31, 2011

Debate: Does Dating = Being Exclusive?

For this blog I am going to go back and forth between the debate of whether you are considered "exclusive" if you are dating someone.

First off, let us define dating.

According to Wikipedia - Dating is a form of human courtship consisting of social activities done by two persons with the aim of each assessing the other's suitability as a partner in an intimate relationship or as a spouse.

The Free Dictionary by Farlex offers two definitions -
a. An engagement to go out socially with another person, often out of romantic interest.
b. One's companion on such an outing (not necessarily out of romantic interest)

Urban dictionary has many different ones, a few of my favorites -
a. Of a couple, to be in the early stages of a relationship where they go out on dates to find out what each other is like, as a prelude to actually being a fully fledged couple.
b. A pointless waste of time... defined by massive usage of cologne and/or perfume, awkward sweaty hand-holding, and feelings of puppy love that usually dissolve in a few weeks (or less)
c. a socially acceptable form of prostitution (I personally think the example they had with this one was hilarious, I just had to share this - I spent a $30 for a movie, before the first base. A $50 for lunch, for the second base, and a $70 on a romantic dinner before we cut to the chase.) Oh Urban Dictionary, you get me everytime with your insane definitions!

Okay so we have (kind of) defined what dating is. Now let's go to the next step of the debate: stating both sides of the case.

Side 1: You are exclusive. You have been a couple of dates with this person, maybe things are going great. Even though you havent talked about a "title" yet, there is that underlying belief that neither of you are allowed to date anyone else at the moment.
Side 2: You are not exclusive, there has been no talk of a title as to being boyfriend/girlfiend so you have free reign to go on a date with anyone you choose to.

Now, DEBATE (and yes, this actual conversation may have recently occured between me and a friend.)

"We have only been on a few dates over the course of the last couple weeks, and we are by no means serious. I have free reign to do whatever I want still right now."
"So, does that mean you would be okay with him/her going on a date with someone else right now?"
"Well, no. If I found that out I would straight up end things right now."
"So then you are exclusive."
"Well, yea, I guess so... I dont know. If someone else came along and wanted to take me out to dinner, well why not? Technically I am still still single, and I am still feeling this person out."
"But you are not okay with the other person doing what they want."
"What I am saying is, we are not serious."
"But what is considered serious? Do you talk to this person everyday?"
"Yes, pretty much."
"How often do you see this person?"
"Averaging every other day right now..."
"Have you been interested in anyone else specifically?"
"Then you are exclusive!"
"But I dont consider them my boyfriend/girlfriend!"
"No, you dont. But you are past the 3 weeks, I have only been on a couple dates mark. You have even secured the relationship by bringing said person back to your place!"
"Now, now... I may have brought this person back to my place, but that doesnt mean we are serious! Maybe we were just having some fun..."
"Okay. You are right. But, if this person blew you off one night and you were pissed, out of retaliation would you go out in search of a new person?"
"No, I mean I wouldn't not talk to someone but I wouldnt go farther than talking and possibly dancing.."
"So you wouldnt even consider someone else"
"Not necessarily... I mean, I woudlnt consider it cheating if I hooked up with another person. We arent together"
"But that is not what I am asking - would you feel bad if you did? Would you tell the person you are dating about it?"
"Hell no, if I hooked up with someone I would not tell them. But I wouldnt just go and hook up with someone right now... I have no intentions to."
"So then basically what you are saying is you are not exclusive, but your innate feelings are saying yes I am exclusive and so you wouldnt do anything"
"Ah I guess so? I dont know I am confused!"

So what did we determine? Well, for one everyone has thier own definition of dating and seriousness and when they are considered exclusive. Some people think they have free reign until the title is there, some people are okay with sticking to one person until things are figured out. BUT.... even if you consider yourself "free and single" some of you still have that exclusive feeling to where you wouldn't consider going on a date with someone else, even if the option was there, and would not want the other person going on a date with someone else either.

So the answer to the debate: If you are well within the dating realm, it has been a few weeks and things are progressing, you are exclusive. If you do not hear from this person regularly, rarely see them, and dont know where things are going - Oh definitely not exclusive and free to do what you want!

Anyone else have opinions on this topic?

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