Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I am Awesome... Are You?

What am I about to say may not come as a shock to most, but for some it might come off cocky/stuck up/i-think-i-am-better-than-everyone-else but I want people to know that NO I am not in love with myself, I do not think I am better than anyone nor am I overconfident. But I want to say this:


Yes, I said it. I am awesome. I rock the world, I am pretty cool. Enough said.

This is why I think I am awesome: Because I love life. And I also LIVE life to the fullest, enjoy it to the max, and have a smile on my face everyday even when I am not having the best day. I have FUN (enough said). I try to be friends with everyone, and live by the motto treat others as you want them to treat you. I cheer people up when they are down. I help people see the positive in things. I dont hold grudges and rarely get angry - if I am upset, it lasts an hour. Then I get over it. And the following photo sums it all up in a nutshell (courtesy of How I Met Your Mother)

Being AWESOME is not about how others think of you but how you think of yourself and also how you portray yourself. I do not want people to think I hate the world, but I also dont want people to think I am better than them. It is about finding that middle ground, that level to where you are modest enough to where you know you rock but you dont show it.

Yes, I create photos of myself being awesome. Maybe every once in a while I throw it out to people to let them know I am. But in all reality, I take it light heartidly and as a joke. But when I can sit and see nothing wrong with life right now - I have family that are alive and healthy back in Chicago that I love to death, I have some of the greatest friends on Earth because they not only get me and are just like me but they are there for me when I need them, I love my job, I laugh everyday and have as much fun as I can exploring and try new things that I have never done before, I have no problem meeting people and making new friends, i have a roof over my head and enough money to pay my bills and still have some fun - I think I have enough reason to just say it: sometimes I AM AWESOME.

I dont think people tell themselves enough that they are awesome. Think about how much better everyone's lives would be if you just told yourself "You know what, I rock" every once in a while. It's a personal confidence booster! Yes, everyone loves to hear it from everyone else but really what YOU think about yourself is all that matters. Because you are the only one that lives your life.

Whenever I finish something that is super hard that I never thought I could do  - run a 5k, do a CrossFit bootcamp, doing the incline - I tell myself "Congrats Meg, you are awesome for finishing that. But you are awesome as well for even trying it, even if you never do it again." No one should sit and say "I cant do it" because that is just an excuse. You can do it, you just dont want to. But how are you going to be awesome in life if you just sit back and do nothing, waiting for things to come to you? Take action on your life! And maybe you can get that feeling that I have in the picture below of accomplishment and success of doing something you didnt think you could do:

Anything you accomplish or do in life, you are awesome for being YOU. For being yourself and for just being alive. So I may think I myself as awesome, but I hope everyone else thinks they themselves are awesome as well. Because I know everyone in my life is pretty awesome :)

So tell yourself today "I rock. I am awesome" and let me know how that feels. I bet it makes your day a tad better!

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