Friday, April 22, 2011

The Guide to Appropriate PDA

I recently took a trip to California for work and spent a decent amount of time at the airports due to long layovers, delays, and showing up at the airport 2 hours before my flights. I usually take this time to post up in a good spot in the middle of it all, bust out my laptop or iPod and just people watch.

One particular people watching session occured during my 2 hour layover in LA. I couldn't get on the internet because this airport decides it wants to charge for wireless usage (stupid in my opinion. How is it the largest airports - LA, Chicago, Atlanta - charge for use yet smaller airports and even Denver allow us free wireless internet? It's a scam that's what it is!) So I took out my iPod, got comfortable at my terminal and took in the surroundings that were around me.

I took notice of a couple sitting in a corner near the windows that overlooked the runways. The reason I noticed this couple was because of the massive amounts of PDA (public display of affection for those who dont know the acronym) that was going on. Kissing, touching, rubbing - it was almost as if they wanted people to know they were together. I am not saying they were about to rip each others clothes off and have mad wild animal sex, but they obviously could not keep their hands off each other. Yes, I get that maybe you are in love and just feel like you need to show it but seriously? In the middle of the airport for all of us to watch you two give each other the googly eyes (and I am sure there were pet names being passed back and forth as well, but thank goodness for the iPod so that I didnt have to listen to it)

This blatant show of affection got me thinking though - when is PDA acceptable and appropriate? And what forms of PDA are acceptable?

So here is MEGAN'S GUIDE TO APPROPRIATE PDA (This is all based on my own opinion of what I would like and not like to see in public/groups of people. Some may agree and some may not but I tend to think that I set a pretty good standard here in my guide)

Appropiate: Slightly and inconspicuously brushing your hand across theirs while walking down the street or under the table when sitting next to each other at the table, maybe a little bit of hand holding. This shows that you care for them and want to be with them, but not overdoing it or making it obvious.

Not Appropriate:Grabbing their butt while walking down the street, using both arms to wrap around their arm and snuggling against them, holding both hands, grabbing their leg and rubbing it back and forth when sitting next to them, basically sitting on their lap, wrapping your arms around them from the back and rubbing thier chest - lets just say basically rubbing their entire body down. This is just something people don't really want to see is you literally all over them when you are standing next to them. Yes we get it you like each other, but you don't have to lean all over them and CONSTANTLY be touching them. It is a bit overdone.

Appropriate: A small, slight peck on the cheek or lips every once in a while. It shows affection and it's kind of cute - again when it's not overdone.

Not Appropriate: Sticking your tongue down their throat every chance you get, constantly pecking them on the cheek or lips, licking their face, snuggling your nose and into their neck and pecking them, giving them nose kisses. I am sorry there are just some things that should be kept in the bedroom and making out/constantly kissing the other is just one of those things.

Appropriate: Looking into their eyes every once in a while and smiling at them. It allows that connection to still be there, but yet you are able to keep eye contact with the other people around you.

Not Appropriate: Constantly oogling into their eyes and having the "gosh I love you look" at them. Again this is something that those of us around you do not want to watch or look at. I mean, seriously we get it you like each other! Dont make me gag because you are giving each other the puppy dog eyes.

PDA every once in a while is not bad - it shows that you care about the person, sometimes it can even be cute and those of us watching go "awww" because we want that. But when you are sloppy, touchy, and kissy none of us want to be around that watching. It is uncomfortable and almost rude because it is like you are showing it up to everyone's face.

Here is my advice to those who over-do the whole PDA thing: Either walk away from each other or go get a room.

1 comment:

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