Sunday, April 10, 2011

He's Just Not That Into You

Saturday evening, after a great dinner for a friend's birthday, I decided to stop at a RedBox and rent a couple movies and relax for once (sidenote, I was still hurting from the previous evening and doing absolutely nothing just sounded fabulous)

I came across a movie that I have been wanting to see for a while. It not only has a great cast but I could relate to the title so much that I just needed to get it - He's Just Not That Into You.
I figured that since I have such amazing luck with guys (please note the sarcasm here) I thought I could take a few pointers from this movie so I popped it into my DVD player and curled up in bed.

Once the movie was done I realized something. I realized that that most of the men I have met in my life have never been that into me. But how come I never notice this right away? Why is it that it takes me weeks, sometimes months, to realize that maybe these guys just are not interested, or do not want anything to do with me? When in all reality all the signs are right there in front of me.

He does not call or text. This is the most obvious one for you literally do not hear from them. When I realize that they dont even contact to say hi because they are thinking about me, it's a realization that they are just not into me. What about when I do contact them and hear nothing back? I mean I am not saying I need to hear back right away - but when it has been 3, maybe 4 days and there is still no response back I think it is pretty obvious. And if it has been over a week since hearing from them? I have learned that they are not going to be contacting you anytime soon. At this point usually the phone number gets deleted from my phone and I get on with my life, because it is not worth dwelling on something that is obviously not going to happen.

If A Guy Wants A Girl, He Will Make it Happen. This means if he wants to see you, he will call you. If he wants to be with you, he will take you out on a date. He will want to spend time with you if he really wants you. Okay, awesome. This makes me feel real great about myself because no guy has ever really tried to be with me. It feels like I am usually the one initiating the conversation or setting up the plans because I want to see or be with them, and it either never follows through or it happens for a quick second and then poof never hear from them again. I am either doing something wrong or this means no one wants to actually be with me....

Most Guys Only Want One Thing. And that is to hook up with you. And this is where the catch-22 comes into play. If you dont give it up, they will lose interest. If you do give it up too fast, they will lose interest and want to move on to the next booty that they can get. Sometimes if you bring up the committment issue or (for those in semi serious relationships marriage) they get tongue tied, not sure what to think because the only thing they are thinking of is "crap, I am losing my freedom" What freedom?! To just go off and do what you please most of the time? What ever happened to liking someone so much that is the only person you want to be with!

I guess what I have concluded is that maybe I am going after the wrong men. But where are the right ones then? Why is it that I have friends who have guys wanting to see them and wanting to be with them, and I am here on the sidelines staring blankly at my phone wondering why I cant catch a small break here. Because sometimes it just plain sucks to feel like no one ever is really interested enough in you to actually be with you....

I think I may take a break from all men and stop putting myself out there so much to just end up feeling crappy about myself. Because if they arent going to be that into me, why even try anymore?

1 comment:

  1. Doesn't that movie make you realize some things you've been missing! Check out the book, too! It's a quick read - and funny!
