Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Can drunken encounters lead to serious relationships?

As most people know, dating has taken on a whole new toll these days. Men just dont go up to women anymore and introduce themselves, then ask if they can take them to dinner to get to know them better. Many interactions happen late at night, in dark very loud surroundings where one can barely hear their own thoughts let alone the conversation that is going between them and another person. I thought about this as I took in the situation that sat before me last night.

While at the Avalanche game with the girls, sitting casually drinking my Dr Pepper (and no, it had no alcoholic additives in it thank you very much) I take notice of the two girls that walk in and sit down right in front of us. One is obviously dressed for the occasion, having done her hair and make up and wearing a pretty cute outfit, while the other one is wearing jogging gear and looks decent but obviously not dressing to impress. I sat and started pondering the reason they were here, until in enters two men whom sit down next to them. One, kinda cute wearting a black hat but the other looks like he just came out of the woods hunting deer. Total hick.

Upon further observation, I begin to realize that these two separate duos were meeting up. However, did not come together. So now I am curious/nosy as to what brings these very different people together. Until I overhear this part of thier conversation:

Guy in Black hat - "So, did you two ladies wake up for work okay this morning"
Jogging Chick - "Omg I had an extremely rough day at work today. I almost couldnt get out of bed"
Guy in Black hat - "Yea, things got out of control last night. Didnt mean to do that many shots"
Jogging Chick - "Ugh same here, she (pointing to friend) had a hard time too"
Dolled up chick nods
Guy in Black hat - "Hey this is my buddy by the way (introductions occur)"
Dolled up chick giggles, plays with her hair awkwardly.
Awkward silence as all four of them start texting other people on thier phones.

At this rate, I have now realized that they met for the first time last night, where drunk-induced sparks flew between dolled up chick and Guy in Black hat. They wanted to meet up again, Black hat guy had tickets to the Avalanche game and wanted to invite the chick, told her to bring her friend he will bring one of his friends. However, they not only come separately to the game (which means Black hat guy left the tickets for the girls at Will Call. Again, got this from overhearing thier conversation), the dolled up girl now doesnt know what to do and just keeps playing with her obviously curled/done up hair, the hick friend and the jogging girl are making no connection, and Black hat guy is trying to make things less awkward by only conversing with jogging girl - but in reality hes talking OVER the dolled up girl and it just makes things more awkward as the hick friend is being left out of the conversation.

Confusing right? It gave me a slight headache was I was taking it all in - however I was enjoying it immensley. Especially since it was the only entertainment of the night being that the Avalanche were getting the butt whooping of the year losing 7-1 at this point (they went on to lose 9-1. awful!).

And that got me thinking. How do things like that work? Is it always going to be awkward when you meet up with someone you had met out one night? I thought about all the instances that my friends and I have had over the years, where we met someone at a party or at a bar and things hit off great. Good conversation, maybe some good dancing (sometimes karaoke), an exhange of numbers and maybe a good night kiss before leaving the bar with your friends to get some 2am Jimmy Johns and BBQ chips that your drunken stomach is craving.

The next day, the texting starts - whether you send the first one saying hey great meeting you last night, or he does asking how you are feeling that next morning - and you talk via message all day (for all you who may be shocked to hear this, these days people dont CALL each other anymore. There is no voice interaction, it is done all via text so that you can really think about what you are going to say to the person) This goes on for maybe a few days until that question comes up - when am I going to see you again? So now the planning occurs, but here is where things get tricky. Do you meet up for dinner and drinks? But do you do this alone, or go on a double date eaach bringing a friend for support (or to give you sober judgement on the person "YAY/NAY") Do you say hey, I will be pregaming with my friends meet up with me later in the night (so that you have some liquid courage in you before you meet up) and just do the whole bar scene again? Or do you go over to thier place/have them come over to watch a movie and just chill and talk? (this is the tricky one because you obviously want to play safe in case they happen to be a crazed murderer - so for all of you thinking of doing this just meet up for coffee or something in a public place first! Okay, that was my safety shpeal for this blog)

The best thing to do in this situation, that these duos obviously did last night, was to meet up in a social setting and bring a friend with you for support. Okay, so that gets set up. But now what if you dont remember what they look like? What if they dont remember what you look like? Sometimes in a dark, loud, haze of the night one's beer goggles could make someone look totally different the next day. So what if you are obviously disappointed when you meet up with them again? Do you take advantage of the guy and use him for free food/drinks for the rest of the night but then ignore is texts from there-on out? Do you stick it out, thinking maybe there could be something there that you are missing (goes back to my blog yesterday about the forcing of chemistry) Or, do you say hey I have to use the restroom I will be right back and then just bail, leaving them high and dry?

And you wonder why dating doesnt exist anymore. People like us overthink things way too much. And sometimes ruin things before they can even get started! Well, we left early in the 3rd period, so we have no idea how the night ended for these two duos. But in any case, one can maybe hope that they will all meet up again in the future and things will work out for the Black hat guy and the Dolled up girl. Or, in the sad but most common circumstance, the girls were not impressed with the friend selecion and decide its not worth going any farther and ignore further texts/meetings from here on out. At any rate, if you are single you are bound to have this happen to you at one point or another. And I give major props to anyone who gets into a relationship this way, because in all honesty it doesnt really work most of the time.

Maybe I will meet a guy at the grocery store one day, or the library. I hear there are good looking men to be picked up at these places....

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