Monday, February 14, 2011

First Post as a Blogger

Well here it is everyone... the oh so coveted blog that I keep being told to write. In this blog there will be no hold backs.... I will talk about it all! Relationships, money, work, love - LIFE. I hope this is something everyone can enjoy and also be able to know more about what goes on in my mind most of the time :)

For my first blog topic, since it happens to be Valentines Day - and I am thus single - I want to talk about chemistry. And not the "Oh, we have chemistry together we work well together" kind of chemistry but the initial feelings one can have for someone. This stems from an instance this past weekend that my roomate and I were talking about on the way to work this morning. How can one feel "chemistry" the first time you are with someone but the second time feel nothing? And in both cases of being with that person, nothing was different how things went about?

This is a personal question that I have been stumped about since the days of high school, when the days of boys went from "eww he has cooties" to "hmm I wonder how he kisses." You have an initial crush on someone, go and make the move, things are going good... until about 3 or 4 "dates" (however you want to call your time with your boy/girl) in, and you realize maybe there isnt much there. This could be because you realize he/she is a jerk, maybe he/she is awkward and you have a hard time talking with them, or you find out they have a wierd fetish that you cant get over... either way the chemistry dies out.

But what about when you DONT know why there is no chemistry? That the reason why you went for that person in the first place happens to be the reason you want to be with them but there just is no passion, no romance, no feelings whatsoever. And you TRY it out, just to try it. And then boom its boring, awkward, and just plain ol' sucks. What do you do? Keep trying? Or just give it up and say "Hey, I think we are better off as friends." Or maybe, just maybe, you realize there never was anything there and you were forcing it upon yourself in hopes of having that something, that wow in your life.

As my roomate and I pondered this thought on our early morning drive this morning, I realized that this happens a lot in life. A lot more than you think. When relationships fizzle out, it's because the chemistry just isnt there anymore. When you realize you are interested in someone else besides the person you are with, it just isnt there anymore. When you would rather be somewhere else... yes I believe you all get the picture now. Is this a normal part of life? How is it some people are with the same person 2, 5, 10, 15+ years and others cant keep someone around longer than 4 months? When all they want is somone to be around a tad longer than that? Well, because, in all honesty, its a New Year, Valentines Day is upon us, and sometimes being single just isnt as much fun as you think it is...

Who am I kidding. I LOVE being single right now. It makes the weekends more fun when you play the game "How many phone numbers can I get this weekend" So, who cares if there is no chemistry in life right now! For all you single ladies out there, wave you hands in the air today because, maybe not today, but someday you will find that person to have that "Chemistry" with. Until then, I plan on going to watch men on skates hit each other over a small little black puck with three awesomely amazing single ladies. And we will have more fun than an an awkard/chemistry-less hookup.

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