Friday, February 18, 2011

It's All in the Personality

I admit it - I am not shy. I am loud, I have no filter on my mouth, and love to laugh. I can have a conversation with about anyone - hell, I could even have a kick ass conversation with a rock. It's what most people call an "infectious personality" that allows me to get along with just about anyone that crosses my path.

But sometimes its all in the other person's personality as to how a conversation with me will go. I tend to feed off the people I am with, and if you are dull well it just makes it that much harder for me to have a good conversation with you.. But give me someone who will give it right back to me and I am lit up!

I tend to notice this in my line of work as well. Being a videographer, I am ALWAYS working with people whether I am filming them, interviewing them, or working with someone on a video that they want. When I am interviewing someone, the whole process will go great if we have something to go back and forth with. I took notice of this the last couple days as I was interviewing and spending some time with some amazing athletes. The ones that I got along the best with were the ones that I could relate to, had some inside jokes with already, or we found a common interest to talk about. And it makes the process so much more fun!

And it totally makes a huge difference in the workplace. Being able to relate with the people you work with and having a relationship with them is great because then it makes the day go faster and more enjoyable. No one truly enjoys sitting in a cube for 8 hours a day starting at a computer screen - after a while it gets old. But the people around you make it so much better.Do you think it is noticeable when they put you in the cube that is right off the elevators, as if it is the "Hello, Welcome to..." cube since everyone seems to walk by it everyday? I am perfect for that cube, whether they knew that putting me there or not.

 Personality is key to holding relationships with people as well. If I have a hard time talking to you, we will not be friends. End of story. That may sound harsh, but if I cant talk to you about things how can we hang out and actually do things together?? This has a HUGE impact on the dating scene as well. Last year I went out to dinner with thos cowboy who seemed like a decent enough guy, we hit it off via text message (again, thanks to our generation there are no voice conversations to he had for me to see this warning sign.) I was excited to be going on a date for it seemed like no one went to dinner anymore to meet someone.

However, disappointment central. We meet up for dinner and NOTHING comes out of his mouth. At first I am thinking maybe I intimidate him, because in awkward/uncomfortable situations I CANT stop talking - I think it is a problem. So I start thinking maybe its because I am hogging the conversation. So I actually stop talking. You can literally hear the crickets from outside the restaurant as nothing comes out of his mouth. I start asking him questions to get him to talk, and I could just cringe from the lack of information he gives me. As the dinner finishes, and I am literally on my 3rd glass of wine to make myself feel less uncomfortable, he goes to pay the check and this conversation arises:

"So, dinner was good. Thanks for joining me"
"Oh you are quite welcome, thanks for inviting me"
" I am sorry I didnt talk much, if you couldnt tell I am hard on conversation"
"No worries, its totally cool"
"Yea, I tend to have a problem where I dont know how to keep up a conversation"
"Yea, well its cool because I totally compensate for that if you couldnt already tell"

We just kind of look at each other, I shake his hand and say thanks again, get up and just walk out of the restsaurant never to hear from him again. And its okay. I wasnt going to push anything that wasnt there obviously, and for me the thing that has to be there is personality. Keep up with me and you are golden.

I think thats why I have some of the greatest friends though. They get me and my personality but MATCH it. If I am goofy, they are being goofy with me. If I am dancing on the dance floor, they are either right with me or sitting at the bar laughing at my ass. And if there is a lull in a conversation, it is not because it is an awkward silence but because we are sitting and thinking about how awesome our conversation has been going so far and are just taking a breather from talking. I am most comfortable around those that get me - and for those of you who have seen me at my best, then know you are one of my closest friends.

Personality. It can make or break a relationship, whether it is a work related one, one that is trying to get started off the ground, or a friendship you are trying to keep together. But in the end, it's about your take on the world. I love life, and cant be happier to be alive everyday. My "infectious" personality comes from who I am as a person, as well as how I percieve any situation allowing me to always have fun.

And if the party sucks - well watch out, because I might just become the party!

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